Regular Update Package for Creatio Products

We are pleased to announce that the Creatio 8.0.4 update package is here! The following new capabilities and improvements have been added to the Creatio product line
Business rules. It is now possible to set up business rules on Freedom UI pages that hide and display components, make fields required, or make fields editable. Business rules can be also set up on the object level and automatically applied to all the pages using that object, including editable lists. Moreover, it is possible to set up multiple rules for the same component or field.
Freedom UI Designer. The Freedom UI Designer offers several new components and tools:
- The “Attachments” component allows you to attach files to records and related objects. You can tag specific attachments to filter them or display multiple attachment lists on a single page.
- The “Feed” component allows you to post and read comments in Freedom UI, with the reference to a specific record or user.
- The “Rich text” component is useful for writing emails or knowledge base articles.
- You can now select a color from the base or extended palette using the “Color picker” field and input. This is particularly useful for a product catalog.
- Text fields now include the “Phone number” format type for streamlined phone number management.
- The “Set up access rights” button action allows you to easily manage record access permissions.
Freedom UI. The user experience in the Freedom UI list was greatly improved with adaptive column width, quick cell editing, and unsaved data warnings. You can now also set up aggregate columns for numeric, date, and datetime values, as well as apply filtering and essential math functions to those columns. Finally, there is a new ability to set up columns linked via a reverse connection, which is useful if you need to display the results of the last contact activity.
Development tools. It is now possible to fully restore the previous system configuration from package backups using the Application Hub, WorkspaceConsole, or Clio utility, which is useful if the package installation fails or if there is any error found after a successful installation.
Performance. It is now possible to manage resource intensive queries by setting up automatic rules to, for example, cancel the query execution, limit the number of execution threads, or set a database timeout.
Detailed descriptions of all the new features and upgrades are available in the Creatio Academy.
You can also read the release notes HERE.