5 Best AI CRM Software Solutions for 2024

Updated on
August 22, 2024
14 min read
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    In recent years, the business applications of artificial intelligence (AI) have evolved significantly, progressing from rudimentary data analysis to encompass AI-driven application development, intelligent chatbots, sophisticated content generation, and much more. This rapid technological evolution is bound to revolutionise numerous areas of business operations, including customer relationship management (CRM).

    Forrester Research anticipates that by the end of this year, half of global enterprises will actively experiment with customer-facing generative AI, harnessing it to optimise a range of front-office processes. This projection is hardly unexpected— Nucleu Research reports that organisations already employing AI are witnessing marked improvements in productivity, higher close rates, and an increase in average deal size. A strategic approach to ensuring that business leverages the full benefits of this AI revolution is through the implementation of an AI-powered CRM.

    In this article, we shall delve into the manifold advantages of AI-powered CRM systems, elucidate the key features to consider when selecting such a platform, and provide recommendations for five of the foremost AI CRM solutions currently available.

    What is AI CRM?

    AI CRM refers to customer relationship management software that integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to scrutinise customer data, discern trends, forecast behaviours, and recommend optimal actions, whilst automating routine CRM processes.

    To illustrate, consider several CRM tasks that may be efficiently addressed through the application of AI:

    • Customer segmentation: AI CRM systems can autonomously classify customers into relevant categories based on their demographic profiles, needs, and preferences, allowing for more precise targeting and engagement strategies.
    • Sales forecasting: Utilising AI-powered predictive analytics, businesses are able to anticipate customer behaviour, encompassing elements such as churn risk, purchasing patterns, and product preferences, thus enabling more informed decision-making.
    • Lead scoring: AI-driven CRM systems possess the capability to evaluate the probability of each lead converting into a purchase, based on a thorough analysis of historical data patterns and behaviours.
    • Recommending next best actions: An AI-powered CRM can intelligently propose actions and offerings likely to entice a prospective customer towards a purchasing decision, drawing on its analysis of historical data from previously successful transactions.
    • Customer journey mapping: AI technology facilitates the mapping and in-depth analysis of customer journeys, uncovering key touchpoints and identifying opportunities to enhance the overall customer experience by addressing pain points and optimising engagement.
    • Dynamic content generation: AI further enriches the customer experience by generating dynamic, tailored content for email marketing campaigns, digital instructions, and product recommendations, thereby amplifying customer engagement and personalisation.
    • Customer recommendations: Through sophisticated analysis of consumer behaviour and existing data, AI can proficiently suggest products or content, thereby enhancing opportunities for cross-selling and upselling by presenting highly options to the customer.
    • AI chatbots: Utilising advanced natural language processing (NLP), AI-powered chatbots can interpret and respond to natural, free-flowing conversational language. This eliminates the need for users to adhere to rigid algorithms or predefined sets of actions, allowing them to interact with the chatbot in much the same manner as they would with a human customer service representative.

    In essence, AI-powered CRM software functions as an indispensable assistant, leveraging the wealth of available customer data to enhance engagement, drive conversions, bolster retention, and ultimately increase customer lifetime value.

    To truly appreciate the transformative potential AI can offer your enterprise, let us delve more deeply into the manifold benefits that AI-driven CRM systems can bring, illustrating the positive impact such technology can have on your business operations.

    Top 7 Advantages of AI-Driven CRM Software

    Enhanced Productivity

    The capacity to process and analyse customer data in real-time, coupled with the ability to recommend optimal actions to agents, significantly augments employee productivity. One of the most illustrative examples of this productivity enhancement lies in the realm of lead scoring.

    In the absence of AI, sales representatives would be compelled to individually scrutinise each lead and assess their readiness to purchase, a time-consuming endeavour that could easily take several hours a day.

    AI CRM software leverages machine learning models, trained on the previous sales data, to calculate the likelihood of a successful purchase for each lead. This enables the system to flag promising prospects for sales representatives, while simultaneously utilising AI-driven automation to craft and send personalised emails at each stage of the sales funnel. Furthermore, AI CRM systems can recommend appropriate sales materials, schedule meetings, or even compile a proposal deck on behalf of the sales team. A sales process that traditionally required hours and days can now be executed within mere seconds.

    Consistent Customer Engagement

    For global enterprises, maintaining constant connectivity with their customers across varying time zones has long presented a formidable challenge. The advent of AI has effectively eliminated the requirement for personnel to engage in work during unconventional hours or for businesses to establish distinct customer service and sales teams within each geographical region. Through the utilisation of AI-driven chatbots, endowed with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities, businesses are now equipped to deliver instantaneous responses to customer inquiries in real-time, regardless of temporal disparities.

    This capability for real-time engagement obviates the necessity for customers to await specific business hours, thereby eliminating any potential sense of neglect or frustration. Consequently, businesses are better positioned to safeguard against the loss of valuable leads or the overlooking of pivotal customer inquiries.

    Enhanced Marketing Campaigns

    The advanced capabilities of AI-driven segmentation and sophisticated data analysis, coupled with the generative AI features inherent in contemporary AI CRMs, afford organisations the ability to craft marketing campaigns with an unparalleled degree of precision.

    By leveraging the analytical prowess of AI CRM tools, businesses are afforded the opportunity to probe deeply into customer data, thereby gaining profound insights into individual preferences, behaviours, and purchasing patterns. Such an enriched understanding facilitates the development of highly targeted marketing campaigns, which resonate with greater efficacy among distinct customer segments.

    Elevated Customer Satisfaction and Retention

    Bespoke experiences significantly enhance customer satisfaction, thereby encouraging repeat business and improving retention rates.

    Furthermore, the utilisation of predictive analytics permits businesses to discern customers at risk of disengagement, enabling timely and personalised interventions to address their concerns. An AI CRM system can identify those customers requiring additional attention and suggest tailored content and products designed to resolve their issues.

    Consequently, such personalised strategies not only diminish the likelihood of customer churn but also foster lasting relationships, thereby driving sustained business growth and long-term success.

    Augmented Revenue per Customer

    The adoption of AI-powered personalised content and bespoke recommendations generates substantial advantages, including elevated conversion rates and increased revenue per customer.

    By meticulously tailoring offerings to the unique preferences and requirements of each individual, businesses can effectively amplify sales and optimise the value derived from every customer interaction.

    Data-driven Decision Making

    As organisations persist in utilising AI CRM software, accumulating extensive historical data, the depth and accuracy of the insights and forecasts it provides increase markedly.

    By harnessing this wealth of information, businesses acquire a strategic advantage, enabling them to make well-informed decisions with both speed and confidence. Whether discerning emerging trends, forecasting customer behaviour, or refining operational processes, AI CRM equips organisations to navigate the intricates of the modern business landscape with both clarity and precision.

    Cost Savings and Efficient Resource Allocation

    AI CRM facilitates adaptive resource allocation by perpetually analysing real-time data, enabling businesses to recalibrate their strategies in response to evolving market conditions or shifting customer preferences. For instance, should a particular customer segment demonstrate increased engagement with a newly introduced product feature, resources can be swiftly redirected to capitalise on this opportunity, thereby enhancing return on investment.

    Moreover, AI CRM contributes to the optimisation of resource allocation by unearthing inefficiencies and areas of excessive expenditure. By meticulously analysing customer interactions, sales data, and marketing campaigns, businesses can identify zones where resources are either underutilised or ineffectively distributed, thereby facilitating the implementation of cost-saving measures.

    How to Select the Appropriate AI CRM Software?

    In the contemporary landscape, most sophisticated enterprise-grade CRM systems are equipped with AI functionalities. However, discerning which feature to prioritise in AI CRM software can be a daunting task without thorough investigation into the subject matter. This section aims to provide guidance on the critical attributes to consider when selecting AI CRM software.

    Pro tip

    For an in-depth exploration of this subject, refer to our extensive guide on how to choose a CRM system.

    When evaluating AI CRM options, here are several key features to consider:

    • Functionality scope: An enterprise-grade CRM system typically encompasses a broad spectrum of AI capabilities, including preconfigured data analysis models, recommendations for subsequent actions, Generative AI, chatbots for customer service, and sentiment analysis. Nonetheless, some of these advanced features may be lacking in more budget-friendly solutions designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is essential to ascertain the primary use cases that hold significance for your organisation and ensure that the selected CRM system aligns with your required functionality.
    • NLP assistant: This feature facilitates user interaction with the AI CRM through natural language, akin to engaging with ChatGPT. For instance, a sales manager might request the AI assistant to generate a quarterly report highlighting best sales practices and subsequently receive insightful recommendations. While this capability is not yet a standard feature among AI CRM solutions, leading industry players are diligently working towards its integration into their offerings.
    • AI and ML customisation: The capacity to develop bespoke machine learning models for data analysis affords considerable flexibility, enabling organisations to extract deeper insights from their AI CRM systems. However, the technical expertise and coding skills necessary for such model development are often beyond the reach of many enterprises. Consequently, the integration of no-code tools within CRM solutions proves to be of exceptional value. CRM platforms equipped with no-code functionalities facilitate the training of machine learning models through intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, thereby accommodating a variety of business requirements without necessitating extensive technical proficiency.
    Pro tip:

    The efficacy of no-code functionality can be significantly augmented through AI-assisted development. When building bespoke business applications, AI is capable of suggesting appropriate components or generating data fields and blocks in accordance with the user's specifications. This integration of AI into the development process not only enhances the scope for customisation but also empowers users to adapt their CRM systems with remarkable ease to cater to their specific business requirements.

    • Integration of proprietary AI models: Integration remains a crucial component of any CRM system; however, in the context of AI CRM, particular attention must be devoted to the integration of closed models. While AI CRM software generally works with open-source or commercially available models - such as Meta’s Llama 2 - it is equally important to consider whether the platform supports the integration of bespoke models. Should you wish to incorporate a custom model, either trained on your proprietary dataset or provided by a business partner, ensure that the AI CRM system under consideration is capable of accommodating such requirements.
    • Scalability: When evaluating AI CRM software, it is imperative to consider its scalability and its ability to adapt to your business's evolving growth trajectory.
    • Robust governance tools: Security remains a paramount concern in the realm of AI-driven software. Prioritise the implementation of robust and user-friendly governance features that facilitate meticulous oversight of permissions, no-code development processes, and deployment of custom AI tools. A thorough overview of your operations coupled with comprehensive control is essential for safeguarding your AI CRM against potential errors and security threats.

    Based on these criteria, we've curated a selection of five AI CRM solutions tailored to various needs and business sizes.

    Top Five CRM AI Software Providers

    1. Creatio

    Creatio emerges as the premier choice of AI CRM software for enterprising prioritising customisation and scalability, owing to its distinctive no-code composable architecture. This comprehensive AI CRM solution enables unparalleled flexibility in automating workflows and CRM processes.

    The suite of CRM Creatio encompasses three core products tailored for marketing, sales, and customer service. All of which are built on top of Studio Creatio. Boasting an intuitive no-code UI builder, a drag-and-drop business process designer, and an array of integrated tools for workflow automation, Creatio empowers users to develop applications suited to a myriad of industry-specific workflows.

    Sales Creatio

    Sales Creatio Dashboard

    Creatio's comprehensive capabilities are remarkably sophisticated, offering an extensive suite of tools for CRM and workflow automation across twenty distinct industries. Its Marketplace features over 700 applications and connectors, including a notable integration with ChatGPT, which facilitates the generation of AI-driven content directly withing the platform.

    Creatio’s out-of-the-box AI capabilities encompass:

    • AI and Machine Learning models for data analysis, intelligent scoring and predictions, customer segmentation, case routing and other critical applications;
    • AI-driven business rules that empower the automate of routine tasks across marketing, sales, and customer service;
    • AI-powered no-code development tools enhance the development process by providing AI-assisted capabilities, allowing for the creation of bespoke applications without the need for complex coding.

    Furthermore, Creatio has recently presented Creatio Copilot, an innovative solution that seamlessly merges generative AI with no-code technology within the Creatio ecosystem. This advancement allows users to harness pre-configured AI scenarios while also facilitating the creation and bespoke customisation of new ones through an intuitive no-code interface.

    The Copilot Studio offers a specialised environment for the development and fine-tuning of AI models and use cases, driven by natural language inputs. For end users, Creatio Copilot functions as a virtual assistant capable of retrieving specific information upon request - such as a customer's name or recent correspondence - and effortlessly constructing customised applications. Additionally, it can generate visualisations, charts, projections, and analyses as required.

    Creatio Copilot Studio

    A catalogue of scenarios for Creatio Copilot

    Sales professionals are afforded the opportunity to employ Creatio Copilot for sophisticated customer scoring, summarisation of interactions, and the provision of real-time coaching insights. Marketing experts can utilise the platform to craft optimal campaign strategies and target highly responsive audiences. Customer service representatives benefit from the automation of case analysis and the facilitation of bespoke, personalised responses with considerable ease.

    Sales pipeline Creatio CRM

    Creatio Copilot analysing a sales pipeline

    Distinguishing features:

    • No-code tools that permit extensive customisation and the development of business applications without necessitating specialised professional skills
    • The integration of Creatio Copilot, which amalgamates AI and no-code capabilities to deliver an exemplary AI assistant
    • Comprehensive governance tools
    • Transparent and straightforward pricing structure


    Creatio presents a composable pricing model, enabling users to customise their purchases according to their specific requirements. The core platform is available under three plans: Growth at £18.69, Enterprise at £41.11, and Unlimited at £64 per user per month. Moreover, its CRM products—Sales, Marketing, and Service—are priced individually at £11 per user per month, affording users the option to procure them separately as needed.

    Discover how Creatio's AI-powered CRM can revolutionise your business

    2. HubSpot

    HubSpot is renowned for its customisable hubs, which encompass marketing, sales, services, operations, and content management. These hubs may be seamlessly integrated into a cohesive system, tailored precisely to the unique demands of each business.

    In addition to the conventional CRM functionalities, such as monitoring customer interactions, managing contact details, delineating next steps, and tracking progress through the sales pipeline, HubSpot integrates advanced AI CRM tools. These AI capabilities automate repetitive business processes, significantly enhancing team productivity. They empower team members to compose content, such as outreach emails, and analyse customer data in real time. For customer support representatives, Hubspot offers an AI-driven chatbot that swiftly retrieving support resources as needed.


    HubSpot is particularly well-suited for small enterprises and those with uncomplicated CRM requirements.

    Distinguishing features:

    • Generative AI for content creation
    • ChatSpot, HubSpot’s chatbot, for real-time customer insights
    • Real-time updates for conversation summaries customer profiles


    Hubspot provides a free version of its platform with restricted features. Pricing for more advanced tiers ranges from £13 per user per month to £337.

    3. Zoho CRM

    Zoho CRM, a comprehensive and fully integrated suite, encompasses an array of applications including sales, marketing, and customer service, complemented by project collaboration tools, business intelligence (BI) features, and advanced analytics functionalities.

    Central to this offering is Zia, an AI-powered tool embedded within Zoho CRM that augments team productivity in addition to standard CRM functions such as contact, deal, and lead management. This virtual assistant adeptly streamlines workload management, assisting with tasks such as the collection of customer data, the drafting of emails and documents, and the analysis of sales metrics.

    Employing this AI CRM software is akin to having a personal assistant for each team member. Its functionalities extend to delivering real-time support, generating product recommendations based on customer behaviour, and integrating chatbots on e-commerce platforms to efficiently address customer inquiries.

    Zoho CRM

    Zoho CRM is particularly well-suited for small and midsize B2B and B2C enterprises with moderate process management requirements.

    Distinguishing features:

    • Zia's AI-powered pattern recognition for automation suggestions
    • Automatic research capabilities for procuring customer information, including titles and contact details
    • Automated cross-selling and personalised product recommendations


    Zoho’s AI CRM software is available in four plans: Standard at £15, Professional at £26, Enterprise at £37, and Ultimate at £49 per user per month. AI predicting and analytics are exclusively accessible within the Enterprise and Ultimate plans.

    4. Freshworks

    Freshworks' CRM suite, encompassing Freshmarketer, Freshsales, Freshdesk, and Freshchat, provides a cohesive and modern customer experience. The suite integrates tools for IT, marketing, customer service, and sales, thereby delivering a holistic solution for enterprises.

    The suite's AI CRM functionalities include rule-based process guidance and recommendations for next-best actions, which significantly enhance the user experience. Furthermore, Freddy, an AI-driven bot with the CRM suite, aids in customer engagement by offering support and guiding leads from web pages directly to the sales team.

    Nevertheless, the suite is limited to a relatively small array of pre-configured AI scenarios and offers rather basic reporting and dashboard features.


    Freshworks is best suited for teams with straightforward requirements who are in search of an easily deployable and intuitively user-friendly solution.

    Distinguishing features:

    • Freddy AI Self-Service provides customer support solutions
    • Freddy AI Copilot utilises natural language processing to automate tasks, obviating the need for any coding expertise
    • Freddy AI Insights delivers real-time visualisation of customer data


    Freshworks CRM is available in three plans: Growth at £14, Pro at £37, and Enterprise at £59 per user per month.

    5. Zendesk

    Zendesk excels in providing CRM software crafted for service-oriented businesses and sales teams, understanding the intricacies of selling services. Their comprehensive suite of tools is designed to facilitate seamless customer interactions and optimise your team’s ability to engage effectively with a larger audience.

    Leveraging Zendesk’s AI, underpinned by OpenAI’s GPT model, these tools are engineered to refine workflows and automate repetitive tasks, thereby enabling your representatives to concentrate on more meaningful interactions. Moreover, this AI CRM software offers insightful recommendations to address customer issues during engagements.

    For an augmented AI CRM experience, integration with platforms such as Zapier or ChatGPT is available, enhancing functionality further.


    Zendesk is particularly well-suited to medium-sized and larger enterprises with significant volume of interactions, where the emphasis is on automation customer service processes.

    Distinguishing features:

    • Exemplary customer service AI functionalities
    • Integration with ChatGPT via Zapier


    Zendesk CRM is priced between £14 to £85 per user per month.

    Elevate Your Efficiency with AI CRM Software

    AI CRM software integrates Artificial Intelligence and machine learning into the realm of customer relationship management, thereby streamlining operational tasks, refining customer interactions, and offering myriad advantages, such as productivity improvement, bespoke engagement, and decision-making grounded in data insights.

    The ideal AI CRM solution encompasses both robust preconfigured AI tools and the capacity to develop custom models tailored for data analysis and automation. Experience this balance with CRM Creatio and discover how AI-powered CRM can revolutionise your business.

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