Novaturas Ignites Digital Revolution, Driving Sales Up with Creatio's No-Code Platform

Discover how the Baltic States' top tour leader leveraged cutting-edge technology to gain unprecedented operational visibility and enable data-driven decisions propelling success

Key Information

No. 1
tour operator in the Baltic region
208 MLN €
in revenue in 2023
vacation packages sold in 2023
Before After
Lack of visibility into sales processes and performance 25% increase in sales team efficiency
Inefficient manual workflows 45% improvement in conversion rates
No standardized system for tracking customer interactions Well-designed sales processes and performance insights
Inability to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) Improved marketing ROI
Poor data management Increased compliance with data protection regulations

New CRM Charting a Course for Growth

In the dynamic tourist industry, staying ahead of competition requires not just exceptional service but also streamlined operations. Novaturas, a leading tour operator with over 25 years of experience in the tourism industry, found itself at a crossroads after the COVID-19 pandemic. The company had been functioning without a proper CRM system for two years, leaving its sales processes in what Kazimieras Jarmalis, Head of Direct Sales, described as a "blind zone." It was clear that to regain control and drive growth, Novaturas needed a robust CRM solution.

The search for the right system was driven by two primary goals: digitizing processes and increasing efficiency, particularly in sales. Novaturas' team meticulously crafted a detailed list of requirements, focusing on seamless integration with their existing reservation system and user-friendliness to ensure successful adoption. After carefully evaluating the available market solutions and receiving invaluable support from Creatio partner Aimaras, Novaturas chose the no-code platfrom for its flexibility, customization capabilities, and intuitive design. This decision would prove transformative, bringing much-needed visibility and efficiency to their sales operations.

From day one, our primary goal was to ensure that every employee and manager felt the system was helping their work, not hindering it. We wanted Creatio to be a powerful ally in their daily tasks, streamlining processes and saving time. The results have exceeded our expectations, transforming how we operate and serve our customers”

Kazimieras Jarmalis
Head of Direct Sales at Novaturas

25% Increase in Efficiency with the Power of No-code

Before digitalization, Novaturas' sales team was operating in the dark. They couldn't track the number of inquiries, their sources, or how effectively they were being converted into sales. Sales managers worked based on intuition rather than data, and the company had no way to measure the performance of different channels or team members. This lack of visibility was not just frustrating - it was holding the company back from growth. The lights suddenly came on with Creatio's platform possibilities and Aimara's expertise. For the first time, Novaturas could clearly see every step of their sales process.  They could track inquiries from various channels, measure conversion rates, and identify which strategies were working and which weren't. This newfound visibility led to a remarkable 25% increase in overall sales team efficiency within just one year.

Revolutionizing Operations with Automated Workflows

Additionally, Novaturas used to heavily rely on manual, time-consuming sales processes. Creatio's automation capabilities have transformed this approach. The system now automatically sends emails to customers at key points in the sales journey and progresses deals through the pipeline based on specific triggers, such as completed payments. This automation has allowed the sales team to focus on their core strengths – building customer relationships and closing deals.

Automation isn't just about efficiency, it's about empowering our team to excel in what they do best. By implementing automated workflows, we've freed our sales force from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on what truly matters - nurturing customer relationships and driving business growth.”

Kazimieras Jarmalis
Head of Direct Sales at Novaturas

Intelligent Lead Automation that Maximizes Sales Potential

Lead management was another area where Novaturas needed support. Incoming leads were distributed haphazardly, often based on who was available rather than who was best suited to handling them. It led to inconsistent response times and missed opportunities. Creatio's automated lead distribution system changed all that. Now, leads are automatically allocated based on the efficiency of individual sales managers. High-performing team members receive more inquiries, ensuring that potential customers are always in best hands. This smart distribution not only improved response times but also significantly boosted conversion rates across the board.

Integrated Bookings and No-Code Powered Customer Service

Driven by a collaborative effort with Aimaras, Novaturas' digital transformation extended far beyond basic platform functionalities. A key enhancement was the addition of a bookings section within Creatio, which revolutionized how the company managed travel information. This new feature allowed Novaturas to link all data about trips, hotels, tickets, and travelers into a single, cohesive system, providing a comprehensive view of each booking. Furthermore, recognizing the critical importance of seamless operations in the travel industry, Novaturas integrated Creatio with international hotel booking system which streamlined the booking process, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

Leveraging this centralized booking information, Novaturas took its customer service to the next level by implementing Beesender, a virtual assistant capable of communicating in five languages. This powerful tool now serves as the first point of contact on Novaturas' websites, answering frequently asked questions, registering customer service calls, and even accepting requests for personalized vacation offers. The introduction of Beesender not only improved customer experience by providing instant, multilingual support but also freed up human agents to handle more complex inquiries. These technological advancements collectively demonstrate Novaturas' commitment to leveraging cutting-edge solutions to enhance both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Novaturas' transformation with Creatio showcases the power of tailored solutions in the travel industry. By implementing a custom bookings section and integrating with international systems, we've helped Novaturus streamline operations and elevate customer service. The addition of Beesender, powered by comprehensive booking data, further demonstrates how innovative technology can drive efficiency and customer satisfaction in tandem.”

Oleg Chaevski
Managing Partner at Aimaras

Unmasking Marketing Performance to Increase Growth

But the lack of clarity was proving wrong in other business areas. The performance of marketing activities was in a place that needed visibility and data analysis. The company invested in various channels, from Facebook ads to web forms, but had no real way to measure the return on these investments. Now, Novaturas can analyze the performance of each marketing channel in detail. They can see which channels generate the most leads and, more importantly, which results in actual sales. This insight has allowed them to make data-driven decisions about their marketing spend. For instance, they discovered that while increasing their Facebook ad budget led to more leads, these leads weren't converting well. Armed with this information, they adjusted their targeting and saw a dramatic improvement in conversion rates, even with fewer overall leads.

Creatio has given us crystal-clear visibility into our marketing channels' performance. Before, we were guessing - 'It looks like there are sales, so maybe we should invest more.' Now, we can pinpoint exactly which channels convert, when, and why.”

Kazimieras Jarmalis
Head of Direct Sales at Novaturas

Looking to the future, Novaturas sees Creatio as a key component in their technological advancement strategy. They plan to further integrate Creatio with their Power BI system for even more comprehensive analytics and are exploring ways to leverage the system to improve customer retention rates. The system's flexibility allows them to continually adapt and expand its capabilities as their business evolves. With plans to increase the utilization of Creatio's features in the next few years, Novaturas is set to extract even more value from their investment.

About Aimaras

Aimaras, established in 2005, is a technology company specializing in no-code business process automation. They partner with organizations across various industries to identify and address operational challenges. The company offers end-to-end solutions, encompassing consulting, implementation, configuration, and ongoing support. As a long-standing collaborator with Creatio, Aimaras boasts a team of experts skilled in customizing and integrating the Creatio platform to meet diverse client needs.


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