First United Bank & Trust Seamlessly Runs Operations with Creatio's No-Code Platform

Explore the transformative journey of the bank as it enhances operational efficiency, delivering unmatched seamless banking services to its customers

First United Bank & Trust is a premier full-service financial institution offering a comprehensive range of consumer deposit and loan products, as well as various banking services. With over a century of experience and an unwavering commitment to excellence, the institution stands as a reliable partner in navigating diverse financial landscapes, ensuring client success across all aspects of money management.

Key figures

Established in
billion in assets
full-service and drive-up branches

Key deliverables

Comprehensive Case Management: Processing an average of 1600 cases monthly.
Single Hub: Consolidating all customer data into one platform.
Unified Communications: Ensuring seamless and consistent interactions across channels.
Easy Customization: Utilizing no-code architecture for easy adjustments on the fly.
Seamless Integrations: Merging with the core banking system and other platforms.
Reporting: Providing streamlined and easily accessible data insights.

Watch the interview with Christopher Bladen, Operations Analyst at First United Bank & Trust

From challenges to no-code solutions

First United Bank and Trust identified a bottleneck in its operational efficiency. The Bank utilized two CRM systems simultaneously yet neither provided a comprehensive view of a customer's relationship. The existing solutions failed to keep up with customer demands and rapidly changing market conditions.

The CRMs were rigid and lacked essential functionalities. Information was scattered, the reporting process lengthy and complicated, and it was not possible to integrate them with other tools to effectively support operations.

The bank recognized the need for a more efficient and cohesive CRM solution. The urgency escalated when one of the systems announced it would no longer provide updates and that real-time API integration would take years to implement. This scenario made it clear that a new, more advanced, and flexible solution was necessary.

To address these challenges, First United Bank and Trust took decisive action to implement the Creatio no-code platform. This strategic move aimed to implement a modern CRM system capable of real-time integration, robust reporting, and seamless data processing. By taking the reins of their digital future, the bank positioned itself to better meet customer needs and adapt swiftly to market changes.

One platform for holistic customer view and better service

In the past, due to limitations in both systems, customer data was fragmented, making tracking and accessing difficult. This resulted in misunderstandings between departments and communication challenges, exacerbating existing inefficiencies. As a result, it became a significant pain point within the organization.

The implementation of the Creatio no-code CRM system has dramatically improved communication within the bank, leading to enhanced customer service and smoother operations. Automation features allow the system to scrape fields and automatically populate data, eliminating the need for users to re-enter information. This reduces the likelihood of errors and miscommunications when maintaining accounts. By consolidating data into a single platform, multiple departments now have access to the same information, significantly minimizing potential miscommunication between service teams and customers. The consolidation has greatly improved the way the bank serves its customers.

Creatio allowed us to achieve a streamlined and holistic view of customers. With the new system, if a customer interacts with the commercial department, this information is visible to the retail or wealth management sides. This visibility enables better coordination and more informed responses, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.”

Christopher Bladen
Operations Analyst, First United Bank & Trust

No-code as a game changing factor

Due to limitations in their previous systems, First United Bank and Trust recognized a significant opportunity in the Creatio no-code platform. With its no-code composable architecture the bank no longer faces years of waiting for new functionalities, and it can make changes on the fly. The organization is taking care of platform administration and development with a team of three individuals and support from Creatio. Introducing new features or adjustments has become straightforward, as they implement changes whenever needed. By leveraging no-code capabilities, they build cases and manage leads, workflows, and other essential processes, which enables them to adapt the system to meet their evolving needs efficiently.

The CRM is great, but what really sold us on Creatio was the no-code features. The ability to make changes ourselves was incredibly empowering and the idea of self-servicing the platform was very appealing.”

Christopher Bladen
Operations Analyst, First United Bank & Trust

Core banking system integration that changes the game

Integration with the core banking system was paramount for First United Bank and Trust. It was necessary to address data inconsistencies and provide a 360-degree customer experience. Leveraging no-code power, the bank now seamlessly connects with other platforms, enhancing operational efficiency.

The pivotal difference was seen with the integration of Glyue™ by Sandbox Banking. This integration not only provided robust API connectivity but also maximized the value of existing systems and amplified data across critical platforms. Now, First United Bank and Trust operates more effectively by streamlining communication and data flow, ensuring a cohesive and responsive banking experience.

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Unleashing data power

Lastly, First United Bank and Trust faced challenges in reporting and making informed decisions. They relied on manual data requests, resulting in delays, lack of synchronization, and hindered real-time data exchange. Customer information was fragmented in silos, making valuable insights invisible. Additionally, the process to request and assess data was lengthy, compounded by complex Excel files.

To overcome this, the bank now utilizes Creatio's reporting capabilities and dashboards for real-time data access. Creatio allows users to generate customized reports on demand. This transition automated reporting processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors. Centralizing data within the CRM platform improved visibility into customer interactions and operational metrics, fostering data-driven decisions. With Creatio's no-code architecture, First United Bank and Trust tailored reporting processes to their needs, empowering users to create and modify reports efficiently.

We're continually enhancing our dashboards and reporting tools across different sections. The contact section stands out as especially valuable, offering a convenient place to showcase every departmental dashboard effectively.”

Christopher Bladen
Operations Analyst, First United Bank & Trust

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