Consumers Credit Union is transforming member experience with the Creatio no-code platform

The credit union is using the revolutionizing potential of the no-code platform to enhance its member experience, streamline processes, and solidify commitment to its members

Since its establishment in 1930, Consumers Credit Union of Illinois (CCU) has been showing its commitment to the community it serves. CCU is rooted in the "people helping people" philosophy, recognizing that its members are far more than just customers. The importance of every member's voice and needs propels CCU forward, guiding its decision-making processes and shaping its approach to service.

Driven by a desire to address the pain points experienced by its members, CCU has taken the opportunity to enhance the way it engages and interacts with the community. The credit union noticed that the obstacle lay in multiple unlinked systems standing in the way of seamless member service. They acknowledged the necessity for implementing a CRM, which led to the adoption of the Creatio no-code platform, providing innovative tools to streamline processes and nurture a unified service experience.

Key figures

Founded in
largest credit union in Illinois
billion in assets

Project highlights

Seamless integration with dozens diverse systems to streamline operations
Comprehensive lead management throughout the entire lifecycle
Member360 to improve experience and satisfaction
One centralized workspace to empower efficient resource utilization

From digital maze to unified space

Working with member-connected services at Consumers Credit Union was complicated. Staff found themselves lost while navigating the labyrinth of systems, pulling member information from 15 different platforms. Apart from extending response times, this dispersed system obscured the critical feedback loops essential for member engagement. Information was scattered to various tools, resulting in decreased efficiency and compromised member experience.

As a result, the company made a strategic move and opted for Creatio. Before the search for a suitable system, CCU diligently crafted all necessary use cases, making their expectations clear. Consequently, they had a precise roadmap when evaluating potential solutions. Creatio's no-code CRM stood out as the transformative solution the credit union sought, effectively consolidating member information and offering a holistic view of each member within a unified platform.

Additionally, CCU chose Technology Advisors INC. as their implementation partner for Creatio. The cooperation began with a strategy planning cycle, which called for information to be gathered from a high-level point of view and then gradually focused on key objectives. Most importantly, they engaged with real users to gain insights into their needs, crafting workflows based on their invaluable feedback. This approach made certain that the elements the credit union relied upon were fine-tuned to fit the specific needs of CCU and its members.

Discovering Member pain-points, which helped shape conversations with our member-facing employees to discover their pain-points allowed us to maximize positive impact across the platform. Centralizing member data in the Member 360 and a primary focus on Case Management in our initial implementation phase provided beneficial impact for staff and members.”

Kyle Swenson
Senior Business Systems Analyst at Consumers Credit Union

We weren't just dictating requirements. We were empowering those who used the system to shape its development. This collaborative approach was pivotal in the success of our pilot deployment and our initial release”

William McRae
Program Manager at Consumers Credit Union

From fragmentation to fusion – Creatio’s impact on member relationships

When operating without a CRM system, Customers Credit Union faced challenges in delivering the member-centric experience they aspired to achieve. While vital customer data primarily resided within their core banking platform, this platform was not designed to facilitate robust member relationships. As a result, retrieving information about credit union members was a laborious and time-consuming task, lacking the intuitive interface necessary for a comprehensive 360-degree view of each member.

In the complex network of systems mentioned earlier, three were specifically allocated for case management itself, yet even this arrangement proved inadequate. CCU agents frequently found themselves having to extend beyond these systems to handle cases, resorting to scattered channels such as email or Microsoft Teams, among others.

Moreover, the use of disparate systems and communication channels necessitated frequent member transfers between departments, as frontline agents often simply lacked the necessary access. This fragmented approach made it impossible to track the history of interactions or member cases. Consequently, when they contacted the credit union, it often felt like starting on a blank page, hindering efficient and personalized service delivery.

With the adoption of Creatio, Consumers Credit Union underwent a remarkable transformation in their member relationship approach. Creatio's CRM revolutionized their operations by consolidating member information and simplifying access to critical data. This centralized platform provided a holistic view of each member, empowering staff to effortlessly navigate and manage member relationships. No longer burdened by cumbersome searches or fragmented information, staff now enjoyed a user-friendly interface, facilitating efficient and tailored member interactions. By integrating the credit union's core banking platform and communication channels with Creatio, CCU was able to deliver seamless service experiences, foster deeper connections with its members, and elevate overall satisfaction levels.

Creatio’s CRM has revolutionized our approach to member service at Consumers Credit Union. With its intuitive interface and robust features, we've streamlined case management, personalized member interactions, and fostered stronger relationships across departments. It's not just a CRM platform, it's our secret weapon for delivering exceptional member experiences and driving sustainable growth.”

William McRae
Program Manager at Consumers Credit Union

Seamless integration, elevated efficiency

Creatio empowers Consumers Credit Union to prioritize member satisfaction by centralizing member data and interactions, thereby facilitating personalized service delivery and fostering stronger member relationships. The intuitive interface and powerful features of the no-code platform enable the credit union's staff to efficiently manage member inquiries and issues, leading to consistent follow-up, timely resolutions and heightened member satisfaction levels. With a comprehensive 360-degree view of each member, Consumers Credit Union can anticipate member needs, customize offerings, and leverage data-driven insights for strategic decision-making, ultimately driving business growth.

Seamless integration with existing systems, including the core banking platform, loan origination system, DNA, Nautilus, along with phone services, guarantees operational efficiency and data integrity, fostering a smooth workflow from member engagement to back-office processing.

Additionally, Creatio CRM's robust security features uphold regulatory compliance and safeguard member information, further enhancing trust and confidence in the credit union's services.

Driving growth through streamlined lead management

Lead management at CCU was previously a confusing concept. Instead of being categorized and tracked systematically, leads were lumped and categorized together with cases. This approach made it difficult to monitor and gain insights into the progress or success of individual leads.

Realizing the need for a more organized system, CCU started working on lead management infrastructure alongside well-defined workflows. This strategic move will enable them to establish and adhere to automated end-to-end processes, ultimately boosting conversion rates.

Once the workflow is defined, the data will be available in the Creatio no-code platform. The CRM will create a lead profile for the prospect and assign a score based on the provided information, determining whether the lead is ready for conversion or requires further nurturing. Depending on the lead score, Creatio will suggest appropriate actions to convert the lead into a member.

Additionally, by centralizing lead tracking and automated data verification, CCU will be able to efficiently capture leads from diverse sources, ensuring data accuracy and streamlining the entire lead management process. The system’s data analysis and actionable insights provide marketing information which enables building automated personalized campaigns. Knowing exactly what the audience wants makes the campaigns more effective and generates more leads for the company’s pipeline.

Consumers credit union’s future advances with Creatio’s technology

Since CCU's journey with Creatio is just beginning, there is excitement surrounding the forthcoming plans. Users can’t wait to utilize Creatio more extensively and eagerly look forward to new enhancements. Plans are already in motion to integrate additional back-office workflows into Creatio, with the aim of creating a holistic operational model centered around the CRM. This strategic vision involves leveraging Creatio to manage end-to-end lending processes, from initial member engagement to loan origination and processing.

Consumers Credit Union is committed to centralizing all 15 systems within Creatio. They are building a unified workplace where agents can seamlessly navigate their tasks while eliminating the complexities of digital pathways and enhancing overall efficiency.

The company continues to emphasize the pivotal role of digital transformation in remaining competitive and meeting the ever-evolving needs of members. For Consumers Credit Union, the integration of such technologies represents more than just a quest for operational efficiency, it signifies a recommitment to CCU's core promise of prioritizing members' needs and aspirations. This ensures the credit union's position as a responsive, member-focused institution well into the future.

Digital transformation is our compass guiding us toward greater responsiveness to our members' needs. In an increasingly competitive market, embracing technology like Creatio isn't just essential, it's our strategic advantage, ensuring we stay ahead and maintain our competitive edge.”

William McRae
Program Manager at Consumers Credit Union

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