Autocom is Shifting
Gears to Turbocharge Digital
Transformation with Creatio

Autocom is a prominent automotive retailer in Mexico and Latin America, representing major brands such as Hyundai, Toyota, KIA, and Nissan. However, the company faced operational challenges with departments working in silos, hindered its ability to deliver a cohesive customer experience across its diverse brand portfolio and multiple countries.

Recognizing the need for change, they began an ambitious digital transformation journey. The company leveraged Creatio to transition from conventional, departmentalized processes to unified, horizontal cooperation. This strategic shift not only boosted cross-functional collaboration and enhanced the company's customer experience but also streamlined its complex, multi-market operations. The transformation showcased the pivotal role of innovative technology in driving operational efficiency and fostering innovation in the automotive retail sector.

Challenges Key Improvements
Siloed communication and vertical work structures Consolidated customer data from multiple sources into a single CRM system
Multiple sources of customer data across different brands and countries Developed a customer-centric, 360-degree view
Manual processes slowing down operations and customer service Enhanced customer experience across multiple brands and countries
Lack of solutions to address diverse market needs Accelerated development of tailored solutions using no-code

Customer-Centric Approach with Unified Data

Before the transformation, Autocom's departments operated independently, often losing sight of the customer's overall journey. The data was scattered, leading to inconsistent and fragmented information. By implementing CRM Creatio, Autocom broke down these silos, creating a 360-degree customer view. This shift allowed departments to collaborate seamlessly, following the customer's journey from initial interest to post-purchase support. The system consolidated data into a single, reliable source, empowering teams with real-time, comprehensive insights.

A great example of this improved client-centric approach is Autocom's solution to a reoccurring issue – customers not being contacted for automotive service appointment reminders. Through automation and integration with the Autocom Data Warehouse and WhatsApp, daily reminders are now sent based on the proximity of service appointments. Clients can confirm or modify their appointments automatically, updating the information directly in the system. This not only impacts service convenience but also improves efficiency.

Automation at Scale

Manual processes were slowing down operations and leading to inconsistent experience across different brands and countries. In a remarkable achievement, Autocom created and implemented 400 automated workflows using Creatio's platform within just two years. This extensive automation transformed the company's efficiency, reducing manual processes, minimizing errors, and enhancing the overall clients' experience.

Autocom created and implemented 400 automated workflows using Creatio's platform within just two years.

Building on this foundation of automation, Autocom implemented processes to receive leads from various sources and create customized sales funnels, enhancing their ability to nurture potential customers effectively. Leveraging Creatio's capabilities, the company effectively segmented its customer base, providing tailored services that resulted in increased sales and service efficiency.

As the transformation progressed, the company saw significant improvements in customer experience and market responsiveness. Autocom moved from a reactive stance to a more proactive approach in addressing customer needs and market trends. The unified customer data and automated workflows enabled them to provide more personalized services, respond faster to inquiries, and make data-driven decisions about inventory, marketing, and sales strategies.

Creatio unifies diverse customer data across brands, services, and countries, automating processes to create a single source of truth and eliminate repetitive manual tasks.

Cassius Portes
Chief Information Officer
at Autocom

No-Code Acceleration

Developing new solutions or adapting existing ones has traditionally involved slow, resource-intensive processes with lengthy IT projects and significant costs. However, the no-code nature of Creatio's platform has proved to be a game-changer. It has enabled the company to quickly develop and deploy tailored solutions, addressing specific needs with unprecedented speed.

No-code has allowed Autocom to efficiently manage various critical processes, including vehicle reservations, digital document signing, vehicle assessments, and auction processes. By creating streamlined workflows that replace manual tasks and integrate third-party solutions, Autocom has significantly improved productivity. The flexibility offered by Creatio's platform allows them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and evolving business requirements without extensive coding resources, positioning the company for continued innovation in the dynamic automotive retail sector.

Embracing AI for Future-Ready Customer Solutions

Looking to the future, Autocom is poised to leverage even more advanced technologies. The company plans to incorporate more AI and machine learning capabilities to enhance predictive analytics and further personalize customer experiences. This forward-thinking approach aims to anticipate customer needs, optimize inventory management, and stay ahead of market trends.

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