Positive customer experience drives loyalty to sport brands

1 min read

Informational age give way to communication age, mostly thank to social networks. This defines tectonic changes in people’s expectations from regular things they do. Everyday sport training is not allowed to be boring and exhausting process anymore. With help of new communication platforms, such as runkeeper.com and nikeplus.com running and bicycling turns from solitary game into engaging activity.

Running with nike+ gives you a valuable opportunity to become a part of a global community of runners. You can compete with them, take a team challenges, and see how your mileage increasing after each training. It’s far more interesting than just jogging alone. Being a member of the community gives a runner motivation and experience that he or she has never had. This new social experience is what people expect from all companies, no matter would it be a sport apparel brand, sport nutrition consultancy or a gym.

We have studied that there is a clear correlation between experience and loyalty. When a company finds a path to deliver unique experience, it will nurture loyalty in its customers hands down. This is the new way of thinking about loyalty, and this is a far cry from the loyalty programs that use cards, coupons and discounts.

So the question is how to build this experience? What strategies, techniques and tools should a company use? Helen Iron, Business Development Executive at BPMonline, will answer to all these questions on an annual Leisure Industry Week 2012 event. For those of you who can’t be here, we will happily provide you with a link to our youtube livecast. All you need is to give us your coordinates by completing the form.

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