Lift your marketing with the stats and metrics

1 min read

In today's fast-paced digital environment, marketing channels and tools are developing at a rocket speed. No surprise marketing executives are focusing more and more on the performance of their strategies.  With the customer satisfaction being one of the top metrics applied to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts measurable tactics and approaches have to be instilled to ensure success.

Businesses today are busy discovering patterns and technologies aimed at predicting customers’ needs before they are even aware of them themselves. Opinions differ but when your prospect evolves into Marketing Qualified Lead it does not necessarily mean they know much about your company or what you are selling. This is where ‘lead nurturing’ comes in.

Marketing eBook


With an ever-growing competition, companies nowadays are trying to find more creative ways to get in front of the customer. Marketing automation tools allow for tracking the leads and automating content delivery through various marketing channels be it email or content, social media or mobile marketing ensuring the success of your lead nurturing efforts. 

Marketing automation (MA) software can also help you to increase conversion rates to 53% as calculated by Aberdeen Group’s in their recent research study. The MA software integrated with your sales force automation and service management system decreases Customer Acquisition Cost up to 33% enabling better alignment and higher ROI. By defining your specific needs you can select a marketing automation tool that’s right for your organization. You will then join the 49% of worldwide companies that are already using MA tools. Note that 76% of them believe that marketing automation help them to significantly increase customer engagement. 

We’ve developed an eBook where we are sharing actionable insights and pro tips aimed to improve your marketing activities. As a bonus, learn why we insist on aligning marketing with sales and other key business departments and what results such approach brings.


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