How to nimbly manage the complete customer journey

1 min read

Sales and marketing departments operating in siloes are a huge obstacle that prevent many organizations from achieving their strategic goals. According to a recent study, companies that aligned sales and marketing generated 208% more revenue from their marketing efforts. At the same time, when alignment doesn’t happen, about 75% of companies eventually drop leads that aren’t ready to make an immediate purchasing decision.

Connecting marketing, sales and service efforts into a unified machine helps to prevent sales pipeline leakage and enables organizations to develop quality relationships with existing and prospective clients. Furthermore, the alignment of sales and marketing impacts revenue growth up to 3 times. Hence, connecting the dots between marketing, sales and service departments brings significant benefits for organizations.

Joining forces to achieve better results

By shrinking the gap between marketing, sales and service, organizations are able to increase the reach and effectiveness of their marketing programs, draw in new customers as well as retain and enhance existing relationships improving customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Lead management as a constant strategic initiative

When aligned, proper lead nurturing provides short sales cycles, higher conversion rates and more revenue per deal. As the research shows, more than 80% of marketing leads never convert into sales due to lack of lead nurturing. The lead who is not ready to buy now (but expresses an interest) may just choose another vendor if you don’t keep them engaged with personalized communication.

Streamlined data sharing between sales and service

Sales reps collect a history of communications, quotes, and orders associated with each customer. When aligned, this information gives service agents a better picture of the customer’s needs and allows them to provide a seamless personalized customer experience. The synergy between sales and service improves service level, increases referral activity and results in greater customer retention.

Customer loyalty from exceptional and seamless customer experiences 

In addition, the synergy between service and marketing departments ensures better understanding of customer needs and preferences. Moreover, they both play an integral role throughout the entire route from acquisition to loyalty. Knowing what customers have been experiencing and where they are in their journey is a key part of establishing trust, for which both marketing and service are responsible.

Marketing, sales, and service on one platform

Greater connection between marketing, sales and service increases ROI by allowing organizationі to track customers and ensure that their needs are being met by the right department at the right time.

We have dedicated an entire eBook to provide you with valuable recommendations on how to ensure organizational growth in 2017 by blending key business processes into a single driving machine.

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