#CreatioEverywhere 2020 challenge is here

1 min read

In 2019, the Creatio logo did quite a bit of travelling. Dubai, Vatican City, Canary Islands, Nepal, Detroit, Chicago and Mexico - that’s just some of the cities where you took pictures with the Creatio logo during the 2019 #CreatioEverywhere challenge. We are amazed and grateful to every participant for making this not a challenge, but a blast!

As we are stepping into 2020, we are inviting you to enter the  #CreatioEverywhere 2020. It’s as easy as posting photos with the Creatio logo onto social media for a chance to win $100 gift cards. The contest lasts through December 31, 2020. Winners will be announced throughout 2020. Better news yet - winning posts won’t depend on the number of likes, shares or comments. They will be chosen based on their creativity and quality by a judging panel from Creatio marketing team.

So, go ahead and start posting your photos with Creatio logo to Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter! Be sure to include the #CreatioEverywhere hashtag and make posts public to everyone so that we can discover them.  

Let’s help Creatio get to the farthest corners of the world!

Check the complete terms & conditions here.

Not sure

where to start?