Conquering the art and science of smarter sales

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Sales force automation is a technological solution that transforms the way your sales reps use information. Appropriate SFA software streamlines your sales processes by adjusting the sales pipeline. As traditional sales force automation (SFA) applications are being used by the majority of sales organizations, the benefits of such software are clear. For example, investing in SFA increases deal closure by 30% while the implementation of SFA reduces sales cycles by 18%. In order to stay ahead of the curve and outsmart your competition, savvy sales professionals need to constantly enhance their approaches, strategies and operations. Adding intelligence to your SFA helps you beat your competition and meet the sales quotas faster.

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As the heart of your company, your sales team needs the tools to increase their productivity and drive your company’s success. Usually, sales force automation provides companies with a great range of functionalities: from opportunity management to document flow automation. However, if you want to revitalize your sales process and increase revenue, traditional SFA will not be enough – you need to add intelligence to your sales force automation. With this kind of insight, you can detect missing steps in the sales process and advise the best next action to move prospects to the next stage of the pipeline. For example, during the order processing stage, the system suggests products to up-sell or cross-sell based on the history of communication with the customer, profile information, purchasing behavior and so forth. An integrated strategy for business intelligence and SFA is needed to produce significant improvements in forecast accuracy that leads to higher profits. Advanced analytics enables your sales managers to see the bigger picture of the sales process and plan their sales efforts accordingly and can help sales reps meet their quotas faster and more efficiently.

In addition, your sales team will undoubtedly appreciate the benefits of intelligent sales force automation by implementing dynamic sales processes, which allow for better  flexibility and less unpredictability. We’ve dedicated an entire eBook on how intelligence in sales automation can help sales reps make the most of their pipelines and why smarter forecasting is one of the most valuable benefits that intelligent sales force automation software brings to your business. Take a look!


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