BPM: a key driver of digital customer engagement

1 min read

Historically, business process management (BPM) was employed for improving operational efficiency. Now, the approach to BPM has shifted its focus from cost-cutting business operations to improving front-office activities.

Mobile era fosters the next cycle of process innovation

More and more customers turn to their mobile devices first to engage and complete various transactions. Organizations massively employ mobile apps to provide more personalized customer experiences. The age of the customer drives the need to extend business processes to mobile channels to deliver better customer experiences across all mobile devices.

AI is rebalancing automation and the human touch

Cognitive intelligence helps employees deliver outstanding customer experience (CX) by binding intelligence and BPM. With AI-powered productivity tools, organizations can translate the continuous flow of customer data into a greater understanding of their clients and provide superior experiences that build brand loyalty.

BPM as an important catalyst for digital transformation

Driven by the need for speed and agility along with the traditional needs of efficiency and optimization organizations are now turning to BPM as a key driver of digital transformation. BPM helps to identify high impact processes where digitalization can make a real difference and process innovation leads to gaining a competitive advantage and more value.

Digital customer experience aligned with digital operational excellence

Digital transformation will require business process leaders to digitize key business processes that support customer touchpoints. It also means taking a closer look at the back-office processes to be optimized to improve the front office processes and deliver high-quality customer service. Business processes will need to connect with a wide range of endpoints and touchpoints to create exceptional customer experience.

Measure your ability to implement changes

In the age of the customer, it’s crucial to measure customer satisfaction accurately. Modern BPM metrics assesses the speed of making important changes to the process, business model, product, service, measuring agility and customer satisfaction.

BPM lies at the crossroad of operational efficiency, business agility and customer experience. To help navigate this complex landscape, we have dedicated an entire eBook to reveal the key components of successful customer engagement achieved with a low-code BPM software.



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