5 golden rules of successful selling

1 min read

In the age of digitally native customers, selling has become more challenging while companies spend billions of dollars on sales teams. To close a deal, sales reps need to uphold to the golden rules of successful selling:

Telling is not selling: talk less and listen more

Selling is 60% listening and only 40% talking. During a conversation with a customer, a sales rep should identify and understand customers’ needs, find buying signals and close the deal. Therefore, prior to providing a solution, a sales rep will need to get at the root of the problem by asking the right questions to identify customers’ pain points behind their buying decision.

Leverage technology to make the most out of your customer data

Utilizing technology can help sales reps reveal meaningful customer insights, which can be incorporated into their decision-making process in order to make data-backed decisions in real time and increase the likelihood of a won deal.

Align with your marketing and customer service teams to get joined up across all your customer touch points

As the customer journey becomes increasingly complex and non-linear, it is of critical importance for marketing, sales and customer service teams to work together building business processes around a customer to gain complete visibility of the customer journey at all touchpoints.

Take advantage of mobile technologies to reach customers and data at the most suitable moment

To be quick, effective and responsive meeting customers at the most suitable moment, sales reps massively employ mobile apps to provide more personalized omnichannel customer experiences.

Measure every move to eliminate possible bottlenecks

Another important principle of successful selling is to keep a tight focus on the metrics that affect both revenue and customer satisfaction.

To help sales reps to close more deals, we have dedicated an entire eBook to reveal the key ingredients of successful selling.


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