What Is B2B CRM? Best CRMs for B2B in 2024

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    CRM has become the key tool for B2B companies aiming to build and maintain valuable, long-lasting relationships with their business clients. Once perceived as a solution useful only to corporate giants, B2B CRM has become an indispensable technology used by businesses of all sizes and industries.

    If you need clarification on a CRM for B2B and how it can transform your business, keep reading. We're about to dive deep into the fundamental features and crucial benefits that make B2B CRM a game-changer for managing and nurturing your business relationships.

    To help you navigate the diverse landscape of B2B CRM solutions, we will compare 10 different vendors with insights into their unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. By evaluating these options, you can select the best B2B CRM tailored to your business’s specific needs and requirements.

    What is B2B CRM?

    Business-to-Business Customer Relationship Management (B2B CRM) is a software designed to nurture, manage, and optimize relationships with other businesses, focusing on the unique dynamics and complexities of B2B interactions.

    B2B CRM streamlines complex sales cycles involving multiple stakeholders by automating relationship management, analytics, and personalization. It provides a centralized platform for tracking interactions with decision-makers, across various touchpoints, analyzing data related to key accounts, and deriving actionable insights that help businesses move leads through the sales funnel.

    Best B2B CRMs allow a deeper understanding of business clients' unique needs, preferences, and behaviors, enabling businesses to tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to create personalized solutions at every stage of the sales cycle.

    Difference Between B2B and B2C CRM

    B2B CRM is designed to handle longer sales cycles and more complex decision-making processes often involving multiple stakeholders. On the other hand, B2C CRM prioritizes immediate transactions, where decisions are swift and made by individuals. That’s why CRM for B2B centers on building and maintaining long-term relationships with business clients, and B2C CRM focuses on individual transactions.

    B2B CRM software manages a lower volume of high-value transactions but deals with complex data associated with each business client, including multiple contacts, contracts, and long-term engagements. That’s why it needs robust data analysis capabilities. B2C CRM, on the other hand, requires extensive data storage because it handles a large number of smaller transactions. Even though the range of data it collects is relatively smaller and simpler, it still takes up a lot of storage space.

    B2B CRM software prioritizes account-based management which provides a comprehensive view of interactions with key accounts to effectively manage and nurture the most valuable partnerships. While B2B CRM excels in managing complex relationships with multiple stakeholders within one company, B2C CRM focuses on meeting the specific needs and preferences of individual consumers.

    FeatureB2B CRMB2C CRM
    Sales CycleLonger and more complex, involving multiple stagesShorter, focusing on individual transactions
    Relationship FocusCenters on building and maintaining long-term relationshipsThe relationships tend to be more transactional and immediate
    Relationship TypeComplex relationships managed through account-based managementSimpler relationship with multiple individual consumers
    Transactions ScopeLower volume of high-value transactionsHigher volume of relatively smaller transactions
    Data TrackingTracks complex data including details on multiple stakeholders involved in the decision-making processFocuses on tracking simpler data like individual consumer transactions, purchase history, preferences, and behavior

    Benefits of Using B2B CRM

    B2B CRM software offers a suite of features tailored to meet the distinct needs of business-to-business interactions. Their purpose is to elevate your operational efficiency and improve win rates by streamlining processes unique to B2B companies, like partner relationship management, nurturing long-term client relationships, and optimizing complex sales cycles that involve multiple stakeholders.

    Robust account management

    With B2B CRM, businesses can craft a strategic approach to managing and nurturing relationships with key accounts. Account management allows sales representatives to focus their efforts and resources on the most promising opportunities and seal the deal with the most important leads and customers. With real-time monitoring of account management initiatives businesses can also adapt their strategies based on evolving client needs, market trends, and the success of ongoing campaigns.

    B2B CRM promotes collaboration among teams, so sales, marketing, and customer service teams can share insights, and coordinate efforts to effectively target and nurture key accounts. Furthermore, B2B CRM streamlines processes by automating repetitive tasks and workflows, freeing up teams’ precious time to focus on fostering meaningful relationships with clients.

    Enhanced account-based marketing (ABM)

    Account-Based Marketing (ABM) allows businesses to focus their marketing efforts on key accounts and prospects rather than targeting a broader audience. Businesses can segment accounts effectively, personalize marketing messages, track engagement metrics, and coordinate efforts across sales, marketing, and customer service teams, thanks to a centralized database.

    B2B CRM enhances ABM by providing data-driven insights and segmentation capabilities, which help businesses identify high-value accounts, understand their unique needs, and tailor personalized marketing campaigns accordingly through the whole customer journey. CRM for B2B provides a real-time monitoring of ABM initiatives, so businesses can also adapt their strategies based on evolving client needs, market trends, and the success of ongoing campaigns, so they remain agile and competitive.

    Optimized account-based selling

    B2B CRM systems play a crucial role in tracking leads and opportunities linked to specific accounts, which empowers sales teams to concentrate their efforts on high-priority accounts.

    Moreover, B2B CRM improves the management of complex, long-cycle B2B sales by providing tools for visualizing and overseeing the complete sales pipeline, which involves multiple stages and touchpoints. Armed with real-time insights, they can identify potential bottlenecks, address challenges, and hop on emerging opportunities.

    With these capabilities, sales teams can effortlessly monitor the progress of leads as they move through the various stages of the pipeline and act accordingly, so no valuable prospect slips through the cracks.

    Improved partner relationship management (PRM)

    The Partner Relationship Management (PRM) feature within a B2B CRM system is crucial for nurturing and optimizing collaborations with external partners and managing indirect sales channels. This feature helps enhance communication, improve collaboration, and optimize data management between a company and its network of partners or resellers.

    B2B CRM streamlines communication channels by providing a centralized platform for information exchange. It ensures that vital updates, product information, and strategic insights are efficiently communicated between the company and its partners. The collaboration tools of B2B CRM software enable seamless teamwork, allowing all parties to work together towards common goals.

    Furthermore, the data management capabilities of PRM are designed to optimize the handling of partner-related information. Whether it's tracking sales performance, managing inventory levels, or analyzing market trends, the CRM for B2B helps with effective data management.

    Enhanced strategic insight through AI and ML integration

    The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies in B2B CRM provides predictive analytics, automates routine tasks, and offers actionable insights based on collected data.

    This enables professionals to make data-driven decisions, streamline processes, and proactively address client needs improving the efficiency of the businesses in creating strong relationships with customers.

    How to Сhoose CRM Software for Your B2B Company

    Choosing the right CRM software for your B2B company requires a tailored approach that aligns with the specific needs of your business. Our B2B CRM buyer's guide focuses on considerations unique to the requirements of business-to-business companies.

    Consider the scope of features

    When choosing a CRM, you need to identify your business needs, unique challenges, and goals to evaluate the scope of features offered by each B2B CRM solution, and how they can support your business. Prioritize features that are going to answer your needs, this way you won’t overspend on unnecessary functionalities that might overburden your CRM and budget.

    To enhance customer relationships, optimize sales processes, and boost your business growth, you need features designed specifically for B2B companies. So, look out for functionalities like customer 360, account management and account-based marketing, or partner-relationship management, if you operate within a partner ecosystem.

    Go for a customizable solution

    The ideal B2B CRM should include extensive customization features to accommodate the complexity of long sales cycles and multifaceted decision-making structures. Customizable workflows, fields, and data structures allow you to tailor the CRM to fit your specific processes, ensuring a more efficient and targeted approach. Make sure you choose a CRM that offers high levels of customization to adapt to the unique requirements of your business.

    Check the integration capabilities

    The CRM for B2B should seamlessly integrate with other tools and systems important to your business. This includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and any industry-specific software your business requires. Integration of these crucial tools ensures you don’t need to worry about the flow of information across your organization.

    Make sure the CRM is scalable

    B2B CRM solutions should grow alongside the business, eliminating the need for companies to invest in additional tools as they expand. Scalability is essential for businesses working in dynamic B2B environments and your CRM should accommodate increased data, users, and complexity. Go for a B2B CRM software that will help your business adapt to evolving requirements and increasing customer demands.

    Look out for advanced analytics and reporting tools

    B2B CRM should provide sophisticated analytics and reporting capabilities to help your team derive actionable insights from data related to customer interactions, sales performance, market trends, and additional relevant metrics. Advanced analytics empower data-driven decision-making, allowing your company to stay ahead in the dynamic B2B landscape.

    Prioritize security and compliance

    Security is crucial in B2B transactions, especially when dealing with sensitive client information. Ensure that the CRM adheres to industry-standard security protocols and complies with relevant data protection regulations. Security measures safeguard your company and client data, helping you gain trust in your business relationships.

    Best 10 B2B CRM Software in 2024

    1. Creatio

    Creatio CRM is a comprehensive solution designed to elevate businesses in their customer relationship management activities. Tailored to the specific needs of B2B interactions, Creatio empowers organizations with versatile features and an intuitive design that facilitates seamless engagement with customers and partners.

    One distinctive strength lies in Creatio's unlimited no-code customization capabilities, enabling B2B users to fine-tune the CRM according to the intricacies of their unique business processes. This adaptability proves vital in the B2B landscape, where complex sales cycles, account management, and collaboration with diverse stakeholders demand a flexible and personalized approach.

    Furthermore, Creatio's composable architecture aligns seamlessly with the dynamic nature of B2B engagements. This allows businesses to not only build a tailored CRM infrastructure but also scale it efficiently as they navigate complex B2B sales scenarios and diverse customer relationship dynamics.

    Creatio Sales B2B CRM

    Some of the key features of Creatio B2B CRM include:

    • Account management - empowers businesses to efficiently organize, analyze, and cultivate customer relationships, crucial for navigating complex B2B sales and marketing cycles.
    • Account-based marketing - targets specific accounts and organizations, as well as individual contacts within those organizations, with personalized messaging and content relevant to their preferences.
    • Lead automation and sales pipeline management - streamlines lead management by automating processes, from lead generation to conversion, and efficiently tracks and manages leads through the sales pipeline.
    • Opportunity management - automates diverse sales workflows, catering to varying levels of complexity and business models, including both long- and short-cycle B2B sales, along with channel sales, all within a single application.
    • AI/ML tools - enable intelligent lead and opportunity scoring, NBA/NBO recommendations, prediction, prioritization, and more.
    • Partner relationship management - helps optimize channel sales and facilitate effective collaboration between a company and its partners.
    • Sales performance analysis - provides rich dashboards and reporting with in-depth no-code configuration tools to track sales KPIs in real-time.

    The starting price for Studio Creatio and CRM is $40/user/month.

    Explore the benefits of Creatio for B2B CRM excellence

    2. Salesforce

    Salesforce CRM is cloud-based software, that assists businesses in prospecting, deal closure, and delivering customer service. With its comprehensive suite of products known as Customer 360, Salesforce integrates sales, service, marketing, commerce, and IT teams, offering a unified view of customer information.


    • Account and opportunity management - designed for sales teams to manage leads, opportunities, and customer accounts.
    • Omnichannel customer engagement - supports customer service and engagement, ensuring seamless communication and issue resolution for B2B clients.
    • B2B marketing automation - facilitates targeted B2B marketing campaigns, email marketing, and analytics to optimize customer engagement.
    • Einstein analytics - leverages artificial intelligence for data analysis, offering valuable insights for B2B decision-making and strategy formulation.


    • Intuitive user interface - Salesforce continuously develops its user-friendly interface offering multiple functionalities.
    • Customizable solution - Salesforce CRM provides an extensive range of customization options, including both no-code and advanced coding capabilities, catering to diverse B2B needs.
    • Self-service support - Salesforce supports B2B businesses in reducing the setup and onboarding times through its Salesforce Easy program.
    • AppExchange Possibilities - Salesforce provides an extensive marketplace of third-party applications tailored for B2B businesses’ needs as well as a large ecosystem of implementation partners.


    • Hidden additional costs - in some cases, Salesforce requires additional investment to fully realize the expected value and benefits. B2B customers might also need to upgrade the customer support packages to receive direct help.
    • Requirements of add-on products - to fully enjoy the potential of account and contact management features B2B businesses need to invest in additional products, otherwise, some capabilities are limited.
    • Complex customization - in some cases, Salesforce may require developer support to customize and introduce more advanced functionalities, especially complex B2B features.
    • Data storage limitations - Salesforce introduces data storage limits which for businesses with extensive databases means additional costs to acquire more storage space.

    Pricing starts at $25/user/month

    See also: Salesforce Alternatives & Competitors and Salesforce Marketing Cloud Alternatives & Competitors

    3. Hubspot

    HubSpot CRM is a comprehensive platform for customer relationship management, tailored particularly for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface and functionalities for collaboration among sales, marketing, and customer service teams.


    • Account and lead management - organizes and manages B2B accounts and leads helping capture and store specific details relevant to B2B relationships and engagements.
    • Deals and pipeline management - enables B2B sales teams to track and manage the progress of complex deals through various stages of the sales pipeline.
    • Email marketing - empowers B2B marketers to create and send targeted email campaigns customized to the needs and challenges of B2B audiences.
    • Analytics and reporting tools - offer insights into lead generation and deal management strategies relevant to the B2B market.


    • Free basic version - Hubspot offers a free version of its CRM software which includes tools essential for smaller businesses.
    • Flexible sales revenue models - HubSpot supports multiple revenue models enabling B2B businesses to leverage various sales strategies within the same platform, optimizing sales operations and accommodating diverse customer preferences.
    • Enhanced customization - Hubspot enables B2B businesses to effortlessly customize their data models, CRM UIs, workflows, and content.


    • Lack of vertical strategy - Hubspot does not provide solutions tailored to specific verticals and lacks the functionalities tailored to sales processes and data models of particular industries limiting the use case for B2B businesses.
    • Limited access to advanced features - using advanced features requires expertise and knowledge and may involve investing additional resources and money in developers’ help.
    • No features supporting indirect selling - Hubspot doesn’t support indirect selling and lacks partner relationship management functionalities crucial to some B2B companies.
    • Not designed for larger enterprises - Hubspot focuses on small and medium-sized businesses and might be unable to support complex use cases and specific detailed workflows of large B2B enterprises.

    Pricing starts at $18/user/month

    4. Zendesk

    Zendesk is a user-friendly and intuitive platform designed to streamline sales processes and enhance customer relationships. It offers a range of features, including contact and lead management, sales analytics, and workflow automation to name a few.


    • Account and lead management - consolidates the management of B2B accounts and leads.
    • Workflow automation - streamlines B2B sales processes by automating repetitive tasks such as order processing, invoicing, inventory management, and more.
    • Pipeline analytics - provides data-driven insights into lead conversion, deal progression, and overall sales performance.
    • Email automation - streamlines and enhances B2B communication workflows by automating email processes.


    • Advanced service management - Zendesk is considered one of the market leaders in service automation and offers solutions for small and midsize customer service teams
    • Simplicity and ease of use - Zendesk users note its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use its features without extensive training.
    • Broad app marketplace - Zendesk provides a robust marketplace including over 1200 applications and pre-built integrations highlighted by Shopify, Slack, Zoom, MS Teams, And Jira that expand the functionality of the platform


    • Lack of marketing tools - Zendesk's product lineup is currently focused on sales and service automation, which might present a challenge for teams seeking comprehensive B2B marketing automation solutions.
    • Lack of industry-specific features - Zendesk doesn’t offer features related to specific verticals or customer segments, limiting its applicability to B2B businesses with specialized needs.
    • Insufficient customer support - Zendesk users reported problems with receiving relevant and timely customer support.

    Starting price: $19/user/month

    5. Zoho

    Zoho CRM is a unified cloud-based solution designed to streamline sales processes, enhance customer engagement, and drive business growth. Zoho CRM empowers businesses of all sizes to build stronger relationships with their clients and simplify employee, partner, and technology experiences to make the customer’s experience better.


    • Account management - allows businesses to capture real-time data to create holistic customer profiles, enabling personalized services for different groups of B2B clients.
    • Customer segmentation - can be carried out based on industries or specific requirements, facilitating enhanced personalization.
    • Personalized engagement - monitors customer communications across multiple channels to enhance engagement and ensure tailored customer experience.
    • Analytics and reporting - generate granular reports and dynamic dashboards for detailed insights into different aspects such as email, social marketing campaigns, team performance, and lead capturability.


    • Customizable and role-based UI - Zoho offers extended customization capabilities of the user interface and allows the creation of multiple, role-specific versions of the Zoho UI to highlight information relevant to different roles.
    • Digital optimization - Zoho offers a range of tools designed for B2B businesses looking to improve and modernize their sales organization and automate manual processes.
    • Transparent ML model - Zoho’s AI assistant - Zia is fully transparent and explains the base for lead scoring and recommendations thus installing trust in the ML model capabilities among B2B users.


    • No built-in vertical solutions - Zoho offers vertical solutions only through third-party partners available in its application marketplace.
    • Insufficient account-based functionality - Zoho provides limited capabilities for B2B businesses relying on account-based management programs and does not integrate with ABM platforms.
    • Fewer large-scale accounts - Zoho best suits SMBs and might not adequately support larger B2B enterprises with complex sales and management processes.

    Starting price: $10/user/month

    6. Pegasystems

    The Pegasystems CRM solution combines workflow automation, real-time decision-making, and a low-code platform to improve customer experience and operational efficiency. It's mainly designed for large businesses with complex processes.


    • Unified platform - a "one-stop shop" solution for frontline teams, offering configurability for various B2B scenarios and serving as a centralized hub for various features and resources.
    • Composable architecture - supports a composable architecture for assembling unique desktops tailored to B2B requirements.
    • Dynamic case management - combines workflow automation with real-time decision-making for seamless and efficient B2B processes.
    • Industry-specific workflows - provides deep verticalized workflows that cater to industry-specific needs, making it suitable for diverse B2B scenarios.
    • Pega Process AI - AI assists in anticipating customer needs, guiding users through adaptive workflows, and proposing relevant offers in B2B contexts.


    • Extensive product portfolio - Pega offers a wide range of native features crucial to B2B businesses such as proposal and quotation building, lead management, etc.
    • Robust AI - Pega offers a Next-Best-Action Designer that helps B2B businesses design complex next-best-action models, recommend next-best offers, and assess the probability of a customer buying a specific product.
    • Enhanced analytics and measurements - Pega empowers B2B businesses with advanced customer journey analytics, providing a comprehensive view of customer engagement across diverse channels.


    • Limited capabilities to support B2B use cases - Pega’s marketing automation product is not optimized to support B2B demand generation use cases and may require extra effort from B2B clients to configure it for standard use cases.
    • Steep learning curve - Benefiting from Pega’s AI marketing functionalities requires advanced analytical skills beyond the usual capabilities of B2B marketing teams.
    • Limited integration with third-party apps - Pega has very limited abilities to integrate with third-party applications and does not integrate with any ABM platforms limiting the possibilities for B2B businesses relying on industry-specific tools.
    • Post-sales challenges - Pega offers limited implementation, onboarding, and customer success services with a few implementation service providers and no third-party consultants with deep knowledge of the product.

    Starting price: $35/user/month

    See also: Pega Alternatives and Competitors

    7. Oracle

    Oracle CX Cloud provides a comprehensive solution designed to support customers throughout their journey, combining both automated and human touchpoints. Leveraging a wide range of data sources, it creates workflows that seamlessly integrate the whole organization, with a focus on industry-specific needs. Oracle supports complex sales scenarios and business models with AI-driven insights.


    • Customer data platform - serves as a centralized repository for managing and storing detailed information about business accounts.
    • Customer segmentation - enhances B2B customer segmentation based on various criteria such as industry, location, or size.
    • Social relationship management - allows monitoring and engagement with B2B customers on social media platforms, enabling businesses to cultivate relationships in real-time.
    • Lead capture and qualification - aids businesses in identifying potential B2B customers by capturing and qualifying leads through various channels.
    • Oracle CPQ - supports creating and managing quotes and orders for B2B transactions.


    • Robust audience creation capabilities - Oracle helps users create highly segmented contact lists combining account data, first- and third-party intent data, and ML capabilities.
    • Multiple B2B-specific features - Oracle offers a range of native features designed for B2B indirect selling such as Partner Relationship Management, CPG retailer recruiting, and quote-to-order visibility as well as multiple vertical-specific functionalities.
    • Advanced AI/ML models - Oracle offers a range of functionalities supported by the AI/ML models to elevate the B2B business process such as predictive lead and account scoring, measuring the propensity to buy, etc.


    • Insufficient integration capabilities - Oracle offers limited integration of third-party applications and has no built-in integrations to some common technology add-ons required by B2B businesses.
    • Challenging product features - certain CRM functionalities, such as reporting and dashboards are challenging to use, but Oracle does not offer free access to educational resources to aid its users.
    • Additional costs of advanced features - some advanced features in Oracle, like AI/ML models require investing additional resources.

    Starting price: The initial pricing requires clarification from the vendor

    8. Microsoft Dynamics 365

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a comprehensive suite of business applications designed to unify customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning capabilities. It empowers organizations to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. With modules spanning sales, marketing, and customer service Dynamics 365 offers flexibility, scalability, and integration with Microsoft's productivity tools.


    • Customer segmentation - enables customer segmentation and creating subsets of contacts associated with business accounts.
    • Account-based e-mail marketing - helps businesses craft personalized email communication using account information
    • AI-driven suggestions - AI supports creating appealing messages based on account information, leveraging data insights to recommend personalized content.
    • Customizable workflows - support complex B2B sales cycles by adapting to unique business needs and ensuring seamless collaboration across teams.
    • Lead management - supports lead scoring and nurturing crucial for B2B lead management.
    • Advanced reporting and analytics - provides comprehensive and actionable insights for optimizing B2B sales and marketing performance.


    • Seamless integration - Microsoft integrates its Office ecosystem enhancing seamless data flow through features like Dataverse, which is crucial for B2B businesses often relying on these tools.
    • Citizen developer-friendly - With low-code tooling, Microsoft Dynamics 365 empowers citizen developers to extend the CRM, create analytics, and develop new automation easily.
    • Seamless data sharing - Microsoft Dynamics integrates its Sales and Service clouds into a unified suite of CRM alongside other applications, sharing consistent data and insight across the entire organization


    • Limited PRM capabilities - Microsoft has limited native Partner Relationship Management functionalities and often requires the use of third-party applications, which may pose challenges for B2B businesses relying on PRM.
    • SFA integration difficulties - Microsoft is well-optimized for seamless operation within its native environment, but integrations with third-party applications, including SFA platforms, are limited.
    • High costs - Microsoft solution is one of the most expensive on the market and sometimes requires investing additional resources, for example, to upgrade the data storage.

    Starting price: $50

    9. Freshworks

    Freshworks offers a suite of customer engagement software including Freshsales and Freshdesk, core CRM applications designed to streamline customer interactions and enhance business performance. These platforms provide users with a customer 360 perspective, straightforward interfaces, and actionable insights to maximize customer value.


    • Account-based marketing - supports personalized engagement through tailored outreach strategies and dynamic content, enabling businesses to deliver personalized messages.
    • Customizable sales pipeline - tailors pipeline stages to fit the unique sales processes of B2B organizations.
    • Intelligent sales insights - AI-driven deal insights assist sales teams in making informed decisions during complex B2B sales processes.
    • AI-powered customer service - uses intelligent automation for streamlined ticketing, omnichannel support, and in-depth analysis of customer feedback.


    • Freshsales free version - Freshworks offers a free version of its sales force automation product ideal for small or mid-sized businesses who want to get familiar with its functionality without commitment.
    • User-friendly AI capabilities - Freshworks’ AI model is easy to use and transparent helping B2B businesses understand the reasons behind the recommendations and suggestions.
    • Enhanced reporting - Freshworks offers out-of-the-box, yet simple-to-use reports and customizable dashboards improving data-driven decision-making and performance monitoring.


    • Lack of custom audience-building features - Freshwork does not provide features to build custom audiences which is a major obstacle for B2B marketers advertising on multiple platforms.
    • Limited ABM integration - Freshworks offers basic support for account-based marketing but does not include integration with other ABM platforms, limiting the use cases for B2B businesses.
    • Limited flexibility of certain features - Freshworks has limited flexibility when it comes to forecasting and pipeline management, as well as, insufficient reporting and dashboarding capabilities which reduces its ability to support larger B2B customers.

    Starting price: $15/user/month

    10. Pipedrive

    Pipedrive is a provider of sales CRM software, known for its intuitive and user-friendly platform. With a focus on empowering sales teams, Pipedrive offers a suite of solutions designed to streamline sales processes and drive growth. Its core CRM application provides a unified platform for managing leads, deals, and contacts, enabling users to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.


    • Lead and deal management - streamlines data inputs and tracks communications to optimize lead and deal management processes.
    • Automated campaigns - allows you to set up rules to trigger email and text campaigns based on customer interactions, automating B2B marketing efforts and enabling personalized communication.
    • Deal stage progress - helps organize and track every deal's progress, especially in a long B2B sales cycle, providing clear visibility into each stage of the sales process.


    • Robust sales pipeline management - Pipedrive is known for excelling in visualizing and managing sales pipelines, aiding B2B businesses in tracking deals, and optimizing the sales process.
    • Enhanced integration capabilities - Pipedrive offers a vast range of third-party apps and add-ons available in its marketplace allowing B2B companies to streamline their workflows and automate processes.


    • Limited reporting capabilities - Pipedrive reporting capabilities are somewhat basic, and configuring the reports may pose difficulties potentially limiting in-depth analysis for B2B businesses.
    • Customization issues - although Pipedrive is known for its customization options, there are certain limits to tailoring the platform, especially with customizing specialized or intricate B2B business processes.

    Starting price: $15/user/month


    B2B CRM software serves as a cornerstone for businesses seeking to optimize their relationships with clients, improve operational efficiency, and foster long-term partnerships. By leveraging the diverse array of features tailored to B2B needs, companies can effectively manage complex sales cycles, personalize client experiences, and drive revenue growth.

    Selecting the right B2B CRM is not an easy task. Businesses need to thoroughly evaluate the key features, consider their specific needs, and align with organizational goals to make.
